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work is required and should continue.                                                              Conduct comprehensive research on active aging.
learning is crucial and should never cease.                                                              Formulate relevant policies for the super-aged society.
self-reflection is necessary and should never stop.                                           Establish proactive responses to the latter 50 years of life.
“Ceaseless work, analysis, reflection, that is my secret.”
                                                                                          – Johann Sebastian Bach
Science Research and Social Practice Promoting the Health and Happiness of the Elderly in Taiwan

Higher Education SPROUT Project

   面對疫情衝擊,中心今年度以歷年於社區據點經營成果為立足點,充分結合校內跨領域院系所,並與在地公、私、非營利組織,國內外學術研究單位以及109-110年之標竿中心東京大學前高齡社會綜合研究機構學者交流,以及預為111年度標竿中心英國高齡及失智研究中心等產、官、學、研單位互動,不僅持續以高齡社區共創生活實驗室(Aging-Community-Engagement Living Labs, ACELL)為各研究轉譯點之推動,並透過不同類型場域或組織合作,發展學術研究、人才培育、社會共創、產業發展、國際合作平臺,朝統整臺灣生命歷程跨域研究資料庫與高齡社會全人服務資訊整合系統的建立,提供研發單位進行長期追蹤研究,透過資料預測分析,提供服務實踐先機因應。


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